Space monkey is a term used for the sudden rush after smoking a huge rip. Often times it feels as if the person enduring the space monkey is going to pass out or puke.
‘Yo bro that yettie gave me the WORST space monkey!
An intimate extra-dimensional storage area for cartoon hammers and the like.
Often used in video games and Animated Movies/Shows when a character can hold a seemingly infinite amount of items. Prime examples are, Spider-Ham, Steve from Minecraft, and many more.
That vulture has hammer Space - Miguel O'Hara
Space Blizzard Is A YouTuber Who Uploads Commentary And Gaming Videos
Yo Have You Seen Space Blizzard Last Video Its Great
Male private parts... in space.
"Hey Buzz, I'm tired of looking at your space junk. You ain't no Sigourney Weaver. Can you put some clothes on? We've got a zoom with Houston in 5 minutes."
Jimmy - “ duuuuuude, did you smoke any of Pats new weed yet? Two hits, i was sleep walking“
Darrel - “bro.. i told you, it’s space cake.”
a really smart bloke
no, he is not a MD and has never been to outer space
but he's a really smart bloke
everybody loves SPACE SURGEON
who wouldn't
hey gurl are you space surgeon because you be lookin like a smart bloke
If someone is Lost in space he is very high. The person doesn't know whats going on and is talking random trash.
Balz: Ay bro what's 2+2?
Larin: What are you talking about?
Lukas: Don't even try it again, he is Lost in space.