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ava dava

ava dava is a girl with some train tracks in her mouth i swear to god when they come of she will have the best glow up in history but you know sometimes she is a bit rude but the worst thing about her she that she don’t stop SLAPING you

i got a red mark for ava dava

by sassy 02 November 13, 2019

Ava portlock

If you ever meet an Ava portlock she will warm your heart with glee the second you look into her eyes if you do become friends never ever let her go because e if she leaves ur life will be a wreck

Guy 1”omg is that Ava portlock”
Guy 2yep

by Itzmemen December 7, 2019

Ava and Aaron

Ava and Aaron are one of the best couples. Don't ruin their realashonship because they will be life partners no matter what happens.

Ava and Aaron are such a lovely couple.

by The best Virgo June 8, 2022

Ava Rumpf

She is a very ⓈⓀⒺⒺⒺⒺⒺⒺⒺ person that hates men and has a tattoo but tell everyone that it’s pen. She gets no bitches.

Ava Rumpf likes girls

by gantvat November 21, 2023

ava hardy

That is a strong and powerful name she will grow up to be a wonderful person if not already very beautiful wonderful and nice to have as a friend she has so many friends and would love to explore and go on trips and exercise in many ways she is an excellent person if your name is Ava u could grow up to be a very rich and powerful person

Well Ava Hardy is so beautiful and wonderful

by Jazzisthenamedonrwereitout January 24, 2017


Hes a chill guy who goes un noticed because of how quiet he tends to be around people but he is also a mastermind when it comes to thinking

Damn, avae really is THAY GUY

by Shabadabadeboop November 22, 2021

ava pilz

the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world. ava pilz is so perfect anyone can be her friend. ava pilz is brave and caring. ava loves to make new friends and try new things. you need an ava pilz in your life!

“yo are u friends with ava pilz”
ofc i am, who doesn’t wanna be friends with her”

by badgrades August 2, 2022