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I'm a general! WEEE!!

Part of the song "Stay Alive" from the Hamilton musical quoted by the character, Charles Lee. This quote has become a joke over the internet.

"I'm a general! WEEE!!" she yelled out, making her Hamilton reference of the day.

by CJYankira January 3, 2018

generic party cup

that generic-looking, often red, plastic party cup you see at generic parties.

I heard that Buzz only drinks out of generic party cups. I like generic party cups because they're often red. Why do you like generic party cups?

by El_Scorcho September 27, 2004

447πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

My Generation

Debut Album by The Who released December 3,1965.

My Generation:
1."Out in the Street"
2."I Don't Mind"
3."The Good's Gone"
4."La-La-La Lies"
5."Much Too Much"
6."My Generation"
7."The Kids Are Alright"
8."Please, Please,Please"
9."It's Not True"
10."I'm a Man"
11."A Legal Matter"
12."The Ox"

by Taxman September 17, 2006

22πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

2k generic shoes

Some trash ass default red shoes in every NBA 2k game but if realesed in real life it would be sold out in 3 mins (Facts)

Eww what are those 2k generic shoes???

by Lebronjames37 February 23, 2017

78πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

xbox generated name

Those crappy named that the xbox generates for you when you make an account

Person 1 "yo whats your xbox name"

Person 2 "CrowdingLime674"

Person 1"wtf kind of name is that. It sounds like a xbox generated name"

by Zhifanzooo January 18, 2017

General Jose Nunez

A well know Dominican army General who led an army of underage children, and lower class village people to numerous battles in the Dominican country side durning the great machete wars that took place in the streets of the Dominican Republic in the 1990s. Known for his policy to only engage in battles with woman and small children often attacking with the surprise of nightfall riding on his trusty donkey Renaldo in a captain crunch like uniform. After retiring due to being accused unethical army procedures he settled in the United States after crossing the boarder illegally. He has help many jobs, such as gay male prostitute, Carpenter for CWI, and Used Tire Shop owner. He currently resides with his family and a close older college male professor who he engages in homosexual activity with.

General Jose Nunez proudly gave the orders to burn the village and leave nothing for the dink’s.

It’s General Jose Nunez days at N & M Tires, come on in for a ballon blown up on the free air pump.

by Mr Magoe May 16, 2019

Brown Star General

The rank one attains upon fucking a chick in the ass.

She gives out a lot of promotions. She promoted me AND Peterson to Brown Star General.

by Vinceums October 7, 2003

67πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž