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Dirty Joe

A Dirty Joe is when you're performing anal sex and the recipient farts on the penis of the giver.

A guy is doing a girl in the ass and during the process she farts on his dick; giving him a Dirty Joe.

by Tony Tollefson February 1, 2008

235👍 64👎

Joe Bidin

A stupid way of saying the POTUS's name

Joe Bidin went to Bali G20 last week.

by 123rrr1234r November 17, 2022

Neger joe

A neger joe is a word for the cotton pickers living on the out side of stockholm they live in something they call "orten"

Oh im gonna listen to some neger joe music

by bommulsplockaren123 March 23, 2021

Joe Hughes

The urge to fuck your cousin while In a barn, or to fuck a teddy and call it the one you are trying to have sex with, or to make a girl touch your Pringles can

‘Man I just feel like fucking my cousin
‘You’ve got a case of the Joe Hughes’

by Master_Bait March 27, 2020

joe hippy

Tries to make anyone's day a little brighter with music and community. Pull my finger.

When you meet joe hippy say pull my finger that's his ketch frase

by It's s January 31, 2021

joe griffith

A mythical creature that can only be summoned by a group of at least 10 middle school students, a cup of yogurt, and a student typing /summon entity:(Joe_Griffith), ~10 ~20 ~240 into Minecraft pocket edition. The exact details of the ceremony were lost with the burning of the necronomicon, but an approximate recreation of the ceremony goes as follows.

1. A student must start up Minecraft Pocket Edition on a handheld device.
2. 5 students must create a pentagram out of 5 meter sticks.
3. the other 5 must interpretative dance their way to the center of the pentagram, lying down a tub of blueberry yogurt. (Exact dimensions were lost)
4. All 10 students must surround the pentagram, chanting; "Pharoah Joe, Savior Joe, Praise be Joe" approximately 10-15 times.
5. After the final chant, the student must enter the command into the Minecraft pocket edition chat.
After this has happened, a brief eye-witness has described a burst of white light, a single frame of the skyrim opening, and then tentacles sprouting through the floor. These tentacles will wrap around each other, creating a ball in which no light escapes. Flames sprout from the floor, and the tentacles disappear, leaving only a camera behind. After the camera lands, it takes a picture, and out of the top comes Joe.

After the events listed, the students must sit in their seats, smile, look at joe, cross their arms, and wait patiently for class to begin.

"Oh, hey Joe Griffith!"
"Call me Pharoah Joe."

by KaironeyBaloney June 6, 2019

joe jackson

deffinition 1:
Someone who uses someone who uses others (even family) for their own personal gain

deffinition 2:
someone who uses a very harsh but effective way of raising his/her child(ren)

person 1: that michael jackson documentary was sad

person 2: why

person 1: because the accusers are doing a joe jackson on the original victim of joe jackson

person 1:how come Matt hasn't come to school recently

person 2: because he is probably still recovering from the beating his dad gave him

person 1: was it that bad?

person 2: yeah, his dad went full joe jackson on his ass

by jump the fence April 13, 2019