Source Code

Dirty Mark

When you masturbate into a pack of chips because you don’t like mayonnaise.

You eat them and offer to your family cause that’s what you do.

Everyone love Marks Chips.

When you don’t like mayonnaise so youo Dirty Mark to substitute.

by Redback Redemption April 9, 2020

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Mark Mcgwire

It's where you teabag someone with your ass near their nose and fart into their nostrils, causing them to spit your balls into the air

Man, when I gave Lucy the ol' Mark Mcgwire, I thought mark himself whacked my balls into the air!!!

by E FeAzY August 22, 2007

36πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO and a robot

Niko: ay mate, ya know mark zuckerberg?
Juliari: yeah, he's a robot innit?
(bonk, 30 days ban)

by Steam_better_than_epicgames August 26, 2021

21πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Mark Berskii

character from hit game Project: Edens Garden
he is also best boy, literally the most awesome person ever
oh yeah hes the ultimate music producer, so thats awesome

Person 2: "Damon Maitsu is better"
Person 1: "ur wrong"

by Tesco_Meal_Deal February 2, 2023

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mark Moment

When Mark goes on a random rant about whatever bullshit is floating around in his enigma of a mind.

Isaac: Did you hear Mark had a Mark Moment?
Caleb: Deez Nuts

by ShanSheep July 19, 2021

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Skid mark

Also known as a Connie lee .
A black chunky line of poop left in the crutch of someone's under wear after not wiping there bums properly.

Ummm dude ya got a Connie Lee in ya jocks. Errrttt. Skid mark

Omg girl is that a Connie Lee I see in ur nikkers.

by Big bad bretto May 26, 2017

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Marks Dick

The biggest dick that someone could ever have, his dick is 11 inches flaccid and and his boner is so big that it rips his pants. When Mark fucks a girl the girl screams so much because Marks dicks diameter is 5 cm.

Marks dick was the biggest of them all

by Jhonny SinSes big DicK April 7, 2021

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