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Da Random Hot Movie

A term used to describe a chaotic, but beautiful masterpiece of a movie.

Wow what a good movie! Its Da Random Hot Movie!

by SpaghetsRcool November 30, 2021

Five Nights at Freddy's movie

something everyone has been waiting for, for years.

person in 2015: omg i cant wait for the Five Nights at Freddy's movie to come out !
same person in 2023: ...

by vinnyoml June 11, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The old sonic movie design

A demon strait from the pit of hell
Satan is afraid of what he has created

Oh cool the old sonic movie design killed satan and the grim reaper

by Corn hub.com April 22, 2022

Pulled a review movie world

When you make a face expression and then the second you think the other person is not looking, you make a pokerface.

Male 1. Did you see that guys face in the video.
Male 2: Yea he Pulled a review movie world

by Nisse123 May 24, 2016

wooden horror movie shed

basically a "outhouse" if youre lame and like to call it that instead

did you see jeremy and chad go into the wooden horror movie shed? I think they're about to make their own rated R movie ๐Ÿ˜

by the only user on here w frog May 7, 2022

Am I in the Right Movie

a phrase that describes a readerโ€™s confusion when reading grammatically incorrect integrations of quotes

Iโ€™m totally confused by what the author is trying to say. Am I in the right movie when he is trying to provide those quotations in his text?

by azizy15 November 22, 2011

just gonna see a movie

Have sex

Just gonna see a movie
Sofia and Ned were just gunna see a movie, but Ned is a pussy!

by Cool_Guy_69 October 28, 2019