A term used to describe a man of light brown complexion with a large penis.
Black dudes are gross, white guys are old news, but a mixed guy with a BBrC (Big Brown Cock) is the perfect flavor.
Is an asshole that is a wallop of a douchebag insensitive pussy face unjustifiable torture to suit one's needs of feeling like they're on top and invincible.
he is such a cock womgee, cuz she does everything for him and there's definitely no appreciation just torture.
The act of putting a penis in someones mouth as they wake up. Being it a surprise
Ashley got a super cock surprise from james this morning.
Cock Rocked - when you feel off the charts chemistry with a guy and will literally act pussy whipped for that guy
what is the female equivalent for Pussy Whipped? - When He Walked into the room - my lady bits went haywire then we made eye contact instantly cock rocked as I approached him my whole body responded with Lust and want …. Thirst Trap Totes Cock Rocked
Cock Rocked - when you feel off the charts chemistry with a guy and will literally act pussy whipped for that guy
what is the female equivalent for Pussy Whipped? - When He Walked into the room - my lady bits went haywire then we made eye contact instantly cock rocked as I approached him my whole body responded with Lust and want …. Thirst Trap Totes Cock Rocked
A Bakers Cock Ring is when one (usually elderly men) raps a twist tie around their cock to pervert it from leaking.
I used to leak everywhere before I started using a Bakers cock ring