When your face in a mirror or selfie looks drastically better in reality. People who look bad in selfies but good in real life do not have this condition.
“I thought he was hot, but it was a bad case of flip-face. Not cute in person at all”
“I learned I had flip-face when I turned off front camera mirroring. Now I don’t even recognize myself.”
john is the embodiment of the neutral face emoji
A duckface used to condescendingly dismiss a statement or an important discussion. Typically used in a joking way to avoid or disapprove of a topic.
There it is…the Matos duck face.
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when someone says hurtful mean things that they should only ever say behind your back to your face
'so howcome you and ashlie arent talking to each other'
'i dont wanna talk about it'
'tell me'
'well i was just being nice and she came out of nowhere
with this massive face rape'
Being fucked so good the guy sounds like a jake brake slowing down a semi when cumming
Dee fucked John so good he had a truck driver face like a Canadian jake brake cumming down a long steep grade
The condition of getting crabs living in your beard. Acommon side effect of too much oral sex with skanky people.
Dude I went down on her for two hours last night and now I have a bad case of face roaches