Easily the best youtube channel. Full of extremely funny content and well edited videos.
Guy one: You heard of Screen Face?
Guy two: I have evaded capture in Venezuela for 7 years.
In the same vein as painting her nails -- describes the 'occupation' of a woman that only entails sitting at home and doing nothing while her partner does all the breadwinning.
The term stems from women applying make-up as part of their apparent vanity pastime, hence the 'painting' term.
"He's at the store, working 24/7 while she spends her time painting her face."
Keira Ross - @lovingcobban on twitter
Keira Ross is such a 2 faced bitch.
the term 'Halloween cake face' refers to a woman that wears a lot of make up. In particular orange looking foundation with bright lipstick and lots of eye shadow.
oh my god look at her makeup, Halloween cake face...
All up in the the right half of my cranium I can hear a popping sound when I swallow or the pressure in my head changes.
Hym "That is why I'm not doing any of your self improvement bullshit- What did I mix up Matt brown with Mike Perry? Yeah, no, Matt brown doesn't beat up old people... But that's besides the point. There is fluid in my face and/or brainz. I don't need fucking self-improvement. I don't need to think more-gooders about fucking women OR RETARDS. I need MY FUCKING MONEY for LITERALLY CREATING A.I., you fucks. I could have had a fucking stroke 10 times over by now. And I know that's what you stupid cocksuckers are thinking over there. 'He needs to think more-gooders about women DERRRR He needs to do a fucking self-help DERRR He needs a Jesus' NO! Wrong! I need the money and the free time that comes with being the literal creator of A.I. That's what I need. Nothing else matters"
This is often used by young, attractive, female, Chinese executives to describe the facial structure of high cheek bone, boxhead Croatian males.
It is usually a term of effection.
Damon, your face has nice feng shui.
Damon, you've got a nice Feng shui face