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pumpkin head

when somebody do sum stupid (especially ina hood) n a bunch of ppl get together n beat em tf up till they head look like a pumpkin.

Yo u heard dat man Juan was textin lil girls?”
“ Yeah when i saw em i gave em a pumpkin head”

by mr.hitndip November 29, 2022

infant head

When a breast implant is the size of an infants head!

Look at the infant heads on that one!

by Small head big boobs October 11, 2013

big headed behemoth

somebody with a big ass forehead and nearly no hair

You big headed behemoth
No wonder, your a big headed behemoth

by The LenTen February 20, 2024

Blue headed molestation monkey

to refer to someone as a morally bankrupt, corrupt and sexually exploitative individual under a facade of being morally sound and generous to those who are weaker and in need; used to describe someone who is a member of the UN peacekeepers

I can't Steven became a UN peacekeeper and raped a 13 year old girl in that third world country, fuckin 'blue headed molestation monkey'.

by Fax Dispenser November 30, 2021

Dwight head

Having a massively oversize head such as Dwight's from the office

Oh boy you've gotten a case of Dwight head

by Thee turtle July 8, 2018

Head me down

Asking for ur bf, fwb or any guy to eat you out

Gf: bby head me down

Bf: sure spread em’ legs

by Mamamiaherwegoagain July 22, 2019

absolute fucking dick head

an ‘absolute fucking dickhead’ is someone who is an absolute fucking dickhead.

e.g - tianna

look over there! its an absolute fucking dick head

by not an absolute fucking dicked May 26, 2022