Source Code

Pulling a physco

When you say or do some dumb shit

“Yo I’m about to go make some oven burgers because using the skillet takes too long”

“Bro that’s some physco shit, your pulling a physco right now bro.”

by NavyBoat January 18, 2022

Pulling A Nicki

Deleting your twitter over a song leaking on the internet.

"Dude did she delete her twitter?"
"Yeah, she's totally pulling a Nicki"

by ladygagafan001 April 15, 2012

pull out the blicky and do a sticky

A phrase used to describe someone pulling out a firearm, usually a shotgun, then shooting a target in the head. The phrase has absolutely no other possible meaning. After all, High Boi used it, so no more explanation is necessary.

When a sound whore tries to attack you, just play some earrape, then pull out the blicky and do a sticky

by HankBoiWasTaken February 24, 2025

Pulling A Lydia

In which a female is sitting on the edge of a ski lift and falls, plummeting to the ground and possibly injuring oneself

"Dayummmm! Did you see that? She was just pulling a Lydia!"

by BetterThanY'all March 23, 2017

Pulled a james

when you break up with a girl for a different girl, but then get back with the first one leaving the second girl heart broken.

friend 1: my heart is broken
friend 2: oh you ok
friend 1: no he pulled a james

by pulled a james June 9, 2018

Pull a dope

When a person gets angry at you and blocks you

and then comes back few months later

im bout to Pull a dope

by Autismol May 19, 2021

Pull a l0rd

When someone fakes suicide after faking coding

Person: Yo I'm a liar so I think I'm gonna pull a l0rd.
Other person: Don't pull a l0rd! If you do, you have cancer.
Person: Oh alright then I won't.

by NOT0666 February 8, 2021