Horns have to be appreciated every 7th December of the years. Cute ,long, fragile, small… horns have to be appreciated and loved on this day.
Guys it’s 7th December !!! It’s national horns appreciation day!!!! Hehehhe*insert character here* Ily
How come your girlfriend always gets to wear your hoodies, yet you can’t wear something of hers? Well now you can! June 22 is National Wear Your Girlfriend’s Bra Day!
Boy: Hey did you know it’s June 22?
Girlfriend: Yeah, so?
Boy: It’s National Wear Your Girlfriend’s Bra Day!
National Cum in a neighbors mailbox day is beautiful day dedicated to releasing the previous months load all up in your fellow neighbors virgin mailbox.
Hey mom! Im going to celebrate National Cum in a neighbors mailbox day, by splurging in Mrs. Osbornes mailbox ill be back!!!!
A day where gay people are sad.
Oh, I get why you're sad, it's because it's May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day
12 june is the day in which you can have sex with someone even if u are gay or straight, in a relationship or not.
Celebrate sex by having sex.
Lets have sex.
No, wtf.
But its 12 june, the national sex day
Ah, ok.
May 5. All types of sex are ok. no strings attached
Yo it’s national sex day. Wanna do it?
May 13th. This is the day you have to loose your virginity on while you’re sleeping over at your s/o’s house or cottage.
Liam: “Uhm Abby, check the date.”
Abby: “OMFG ITS NATIONAL SEX DAY!!! You already know what Katelyn and Ethan are doing later 😉”