When you do an obstacle race and everyone thinks you’ll suck but you end up beasting it.
I thought Mandee would be the weakest link on our team but she pulled a Tina.
Named after the character Ye Wenjie who contacted an alien fleet to destroy all of humanity bc she felt wronged in life.
Me: Salty that I got rejected from coop.
Me: Wow, I really wanna pull a Ye Wenjie on their asses.
Pissing your pants to the point it's almost the amount of liquid as a river
Guy: I just pissed my pants a lot
Guy 2: That's called Pulling A River
Hitting your pregnant gf with a sack of russet potatoes in a Walmart to induce abortion then yelling “Luigi Time!”
I found out I was pregnant but he decided that pulling a Paul on me was the best way, problem solved.
Going to Waffle House or a similar establishment during the day or completely sober. This typically is a sign a person is completely insane or very old.
Jake: I saw John last night Pulling a Paul at Waffle House!
Gino: Hahaha, that's funny, but why were you at Waffle House last night?
The word, referring to the operating system Windows Vista, means to respond slowly, or to perform a task slowly. HURRY THE HELL UP.
"I'll try to be there shortly, the car in front of me is pulling a Vista again."
A specialty service provided by many Korean massage parlors
“Yo, the cops just raided that Korean massage joint around the corner!”
“For real??”
“Yeah, they got busted for serving out $15 bare-knuckle hand-pulls.”