Best people are born on this day and people born on February 10 are Aquarius and I think they should be shipped with R as there soulmate!
Hey dude it’s February 10
Well that means that person is swaggy
National ask out your talking stage day
Boy: it’s July 10 will you be my girlfriend
Girl: yes only because it’s national ask out your talking stage day
Kevin is correct day and sanjana is wrong
Hey isn’t today July 10
Oh yeah I forgot
The day where anyone (you know who you are) who would normally post these online stops and posts pictures of cats instead!
Guy 1: Hey man, did you see that urban dictionary post i showed you?
Guy 2: Dude! It's April 10! You can't post that!
Guy 1: Oh crap! I had better replace it with a cat picture!
“Hey its April 10th”
“Oh thats send your bf soapy titty pics day”
A 60 second period on most digital clocks where the screen displays a surprised french man when turned 90 degrees to the right.
13yr old girl: I love the little french dude at 1:10!!!!!
5👍 3👎