June 17 lightskins can be extra lightskin
Boy:Hey are u single, girl :no , boy: whats that gotta do with me
National lightskin day
The day were all lightskins get to be themselves
June 17 is a day for lightskins to be extra lightskin
National hold your siblings hand day !¡NOT IN A DATING WAY BUT AS SIBLINGS¡!
Brother: Hey Jenny it’s June 17th!
Sister: okay fine
Día internacional de Yunho y Mingi
Buah tío el 17 de abril Yunho y mingi se comieron la boca por fin!! Dentro de poco se comerán el pito.
17 RYDAZ is a gang/group not really a gang but known as it because of games music etc
A 17 RYDA has evolved into a certain type of juggalo mainly wearing purple and don't like the new stuff psychopathic or whatever is putting out
Originating form avakin life and Brookhaven to makeing music
17 RYDA RECORDZ is the label the leaders put out music
Rivels: blue gang,21 gang, unknown Mafia & tjk(the juggalo Kingdom)
Allies: Brookhaven Mafia & lil gang
Colors & meanings: red (the ogs and old avakin era), black (early Brookhaven era), White (late avakin era) & purple (main color present)
Past names: bloody violence (avakin life 2018 -2020), some juggalos (2020 -2021), 17 gang (Brookhaven era 2021- early 2022) & 17 RYDAZ (late avakin era 2022 - present)
Note: 17 RYDAZ ain't a real gang we ain't out selling or anything serious we just a group of juggalos that make music we just lable ourselves and other gangs on this list is the same and much respect for the real gangs
Whoop whoop 17 RYDAZ 4 life
word of the day that comes after may 16 word of the day
Joe: What's may 17 word of the day?
Literally Anyone: Joe mama