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Mia Miova 69


Mia miova 69 is an amazing person

by HeyYoutube_1 July 5, 2023

69 is cool

A very common Kahoot name for 12 yearolds. It give some retards cringe and 69 is verycool.

"hey who is '69 is cool?'"

by Yom-Yom disease with arthritis June 14, 2022

Walking 69

69 position while standing up. The risk of neck injury and free bottom surgery is a key part of the thrill

i broke her neck while walking 69

by dipsyshipy October 21, 2024

St Charles 69

When a guy and girl are engaged in the 69 position with the girl on top. You count to 6 and Urinate on each other’s face at the same time trying to catch it in your mouth and holding it for 9 seconds.

Gerald choked on urine while he and his wife were engaged in a St Charles 69 which caused his wife to also choke on Gerald’s urine inadvertently causing her bite his penis.

by Raracheergirl June 21, 2024

Poverty 69

Poverty 69 is a mocking name of an Indian Discord mod “Love 19

Poverty 69 likes curry

by Viral Football October 11, 2023

gamer boy 69


yo what’s up! Gamer boy 69

by Jasón November 20, 2020

facial 69

Simultaneous face licking between two people.

It started out innocent enough, but then she went for the facial 69, and I knew she wanted me.

by DizzzzzzyT July 8, 2022