A creature who is in over his head, but doesn't know it until he meets you! (From the rear)
If SATAN figures out where I'm going, it might help him to regain his once cherished HEART!
Satan is a good creature, punishes the bad.
Kid: Dad, you are satan.
Dad: Whaaat? Don't call me that!
Kid: Satan punishes the bad, so that makes you good!
Dad: *thinks "oh thank god"* Aww that was a good one!
The sexy bookworm of the entire devildom, Obey Me’s highlight of high intellect which automatically makes him the best character from the whole game.
“Oh no! I used up all my demon vouchers and Satan still didn’t come home >:0”
Jiggling the bathroom doorknob, knowing someone's in there to give them anxiety
Someone who drinks the red juice instead of the red one at briscoe middle School
Someone who steals Cassie's orange juice box
That bitch just stole Cassie's juice she must be Satan she drinking the red one too that's a double sin
A fictional character that rebelled against a fictional God's teachings.
Satan isn't any more real than God.