Donald Trump
The Bigliest Loser of them all
Source: 2020 Election
Trump name is now mudd and shall henceforth be replaced with Loser in all conversations.
Omg, what a Loser, am I right??
I guess that Loser lost the election after, I guess he did get tired of “winning” all the time.
yes you are the loser u loser!
hey look at him, he is such a LOSER, haha
someone that gets butthurt for no reason and is a big crybaby.
Wow! Chris is such a loser, he gets so sensitive and cries when I'm here!
I know!
someone who lost No Nut November
guy 1: see that loser over there?
guy 2: yh he lost his gf
The person who lost 'the game'
Becky is the official loser of the game