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Tool Belt

A catagory of person, usually enjoying industrial music. In some circles refers only to the female of the species, alternately called "Toolbelt Chicks"

Dude, I'm a toolbelt magnet!

by industrialprophet.com November 16, 2002

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hockey tool

Commonly identified by sporting a "flow" (an extremely stupid hairstyle in which the back hair is allowed to grow freely to the point where it flows back up towards the head before the onset of the much feared mullet), and an offensively colored polo shirt with its collar popped, a hockey tool is perhaps one of the worst breeds of highschool tools. One may find them more frequently in the northeast, with the highest concentration in New England Prep Schools.

Hockey tools have a total disregard for decent people and prefer to prey on the "popular" pretty girls one or two grades below, a perversion whose enormity is amplified by the tools' age, which is usually at least one year greater than everyone else in their grade. Hockey tools also have the uncanny ability to constantly perform poorly in academics, despite their occupation of the easiest classes, and to still get into top colleges and universites.

In sum, hockey tools are a scourge upon the earth and serve as their only purpose to play a sport only Canadians care about and to degrade the moral and social fibers of society

That 20 year old hockey tool is hitting on a freshman!

by smurph268 August 13, 2006

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tool tuesday

Tool tuesday a hoe's third day of the week. Hoes often send nudes with "#tooltuesday".

Also see: wankwensday

John: Carly what day is it ; )
Carly: ummm tuesday. OMG here you go john I forgot tool tuesday
Carly: *snaps nude* #ToolTuesday :P

by John+Carly March 9, 2017

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Doosh Tool

Someone who act like a idiot or homo

Billy is a Doosh Tool

by C March 7, 2003

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giga tool

a person who upholds Tool (see tool) like qualities to an extreme extent.

stephen: hey you know what we cant be project partners any more but im still gonna use the matirial you came up with to my own advantage.

mo: wow your such a fucking giga tool now when is it that you want me to drive my fist into your anus?

by mauricio torres October 24, 2005

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Tiny Tool

A Jr. High or younger aged boy who already is growing into the definition of a tool and has tool-ish qualities. He's that popular guy with not much going on for him besides sometimes his body or looks and smooth guy personality, but he'll be that buff guy who plays beer pong all day and most of the time womanizes the ladies. Also known as a tool in training.

"My Jr. High sister is crushing on this guy Joey"
"Joey? Have you seen that kid? He's a tiny tool. Definitely no good for your sister"

That kid with the Justin Bieber hair with all the little girls around him.

by dollamakesmeholla October 15, 2012

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a v-tool is a device that women or men insert into the vagina for pleasure.

women: stick that vibrator in my pussy
man: dont you mean v-tool
women: just STFU and DO IT.... NOW!!!!

by mk72118 February 13, 2012

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