Performing any number of macho/daredevil feats calculated to impress females when word of your exploits is circulated. Also designed to garner bragging rights during male bonding rituals.
Stewart decided to bank-some-mojo by jumping into the pool from the third floor while the girls were skinny-dipping.
Ingesting Pepto Bismol, especially after a particualarly bad case of Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, or Diarrhea.
"I just had to Sink Some Pink-- I should really start eating better."
When someone says a person went to "get some cupcakes" it means that they tried to meet up with a minor in real life. It was made popular when the youtuber EDP445 trued to meet of with a minor and when confronted about it he said "I was actually coming here to get a cupcake".
Bro really went to get some cupcakes💀
An encouraging phrase from one a friend to another with the intentions of having sexual relations In the near future requiring the retrieving end to have a penis.
Happy birthday , hope you had an amazing night. Slay some peen this year!
When you are at a stop light and a dumbass pulls up next to you revving their engine and wants to race. While you are racing, you bump cars exchanging paint.
Driver: I think this guy wants to rub some paint
Passenger: Let's smoke em!
Driver: Look, those guys up there are rubbing paint!
Bob: did you lay some pie last night?
Jason: mhm 😏
Bob: was it fun?
Jason: oh yeah 😏
Everything you say after you say “on some true shii” gotta be true
on some true shii Ima ride for u till I die