Often referring to the tip of a man's penis. Also called a mushroom head.
He had a big German army hat on him.
A group of Chinese bots payed by the CCP to spam comment sections with pro China propaganda
Damn it's the 50 cent army again
Carried by muff diver cornish fuckbots a small collection of toys of different shapes, sizes And colour used to aid in the pleasure of the frustrated
The cornish fuckbots could not help tim alone, the army dildos were deployed to de-frustrate the man
The yearly amount budgeted by the US Congress to create anti-China propaganda (influence campaign).
I called him a wumao, but then he linked me to an Harvard journal article that determined wumaos don’t exist, and he asked me if I’m part of the “300 Million Dollar Army,” which I researched and DOES exist. Then I found the term 300 Million Dollar Army on urban dictionary and downvoted it while submissively urinating from the force of the defeat.
The group of people who consist of anyone who has ever been to the basement
Amen, the army is ready.
today the buissiness department, tommarow, THE ART FOYER
amens army shall rise again
Hell. The Big Guy Army is literally hell. Everyone hates the people in the Big Guy Army.
That place is a Big Guy Army
A lesbian who seems to have a large range of skills, some unnecessary and some you haven't even heard of. If you can think of a skill, there's a high probability at least one Swiss Army Lesbian you know has some knowledge of it.
You want to know how to make candles? Laura's exs are all Swiss Army Lesbians, so she's bound to know one that could teach you.