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bee keeping age

A man, typically in his 40s or 50s, that is csnoiberally attractive. This phrase is a synonym for DILF.

friend 1 - "Woah. How old is that guys dad"

friend 2 - "Idk but hes good looking"

friend 1 - "Yea, he is certainly bee keeping age."

by innuendooo October 17, 2023

Zed's age

10k years old.

Omg, do you know Zed's age? he's 10k years old!

by kjol2213 August 20, 2021

Zed's age

10 yrs old

Do you know zed is a chuuni who pretends to be 10k yrs old when Zed's age is actually 10 yrs old

by Wheeloppa September 17, 2021

that's so AG

"That's so AG" (Air Guitar) Can be said after something awesome happens...usually followed by the air guitar stance and playing...

I just got a huge bonus today at work! That's so AG!

by djsherrod1 December 12, 2008

ripe old age

Very old.
The condition of being very old; used especially to talk about someone who has a long healthy life: I'm sure he'll live to a ripe old age.

My grandmother died at the ripe old age of 92.

I'm sure he'll live to a ripe old age.

My grandmother died at the ripe old age of 92.

For example I heard Barack Obama saying---if I'm lucky enough to live a ripe old age...

by Mr.Popa'n'christep February 19, 2023

the stoned age

The era in ancient history where people used coca plants (cocaine) and other modern halluncinagenic plants in every day life.

Archaeology digsite in Pompey
Reporter: I'm here with a professor from somewhere i dont give a shit about.
Professor: ..... yes well if you'll follow me. We discovered an ancient villa belonging to a young noble and friends. Apparently they decided to accept death and party. This room is in priceless condition and the bodies and artifacts are preserved flawlessly.
Reporter: Um... sir. Are those bodies clutching bongs?
Professor: Why yes you politcally stuck up bitch they are. Its a perfect representation of the stoned age.

by @ngrym0thertrucker July 26, 2013

Ice age baby

literally the most hated being in the history of the mankind,he is the embodiment of pure evil ,everybody just want to fucking kill him and tear him apart ,i just hate so fucking much that i feel like vomiting whenever the fuck i hear his name or look at him this mf is the worst creature ever,ugly fat ass asian looking cunt (no racism intended) just want to kill him....

guy : Yo bro u saw the ice age baby, i hate him so much
guy 2 : ew,this stinky ass ugly cunt,i hate him so fucking much

by gaysaywhat March 3, 2020