The act of hog tying a female during intercourse and pouring buffalo sauce all over her, you, and two others; then jizzing in all of her holes.
Person 1: Yo dude, did you have fun last night?
Person 2: Yeah man, I can’t believe she let us Buffalo Creampie her!
Noun: A thick, crusty vintage found in the armpit. Made when you let your man finish on your chest but his aim is off.
"We were out camping and after the 2nd night I had major buffalo cheese."
Founded in 1851, Buffalo Seminary (SEM) was made with the intent of making a difference. Two men, Chester and West, wanted to make education widespread to women. Buffalo Seminary continues to uphold this tradition. But contrary to popular belief, SEM is not a “lesbian-factory”, they are just inclusive. Yes there are people from the LGBTQ community, but a lot of girls at SEM are straight. Girls come out of SEM with a better understanding of themselves, an impactful education, and the friends of a lifetime.
“She’s cute! Do you know where she’s from?”
“Oh I think she goes to Buffalo Seminary (SEM).”
“Wow. Pretty AND well-educated.”
When you're fisting someone's anus and they take a crap all over your fingers
"Dude I was fisting Liz last night and got mad Buffalo Fingers. It was super hot!"
A phrase you can use to confuse people.
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
The crust that lies within the top of one's buttcrack and butthole.
“Idk bro... her Buffalo candy just tasted a bit off last night.”
buffalo clearcut is sneaking up behind a un aware victim and punching them so hard in the asshole it results in fisting of a disgustingly deep nature their tongue hangs out they blow snot bubbles and
I gave that motherfucker a buffalo clearcut he stole like 500 bucks so now he sits at home with a diaper on for about a month now I heard