Take Culture: (noun) 1. A socio-economic mentality prevalent in some lower-income communities, characterized by the exploitation and appropriation of resources through manipulation, intimidation, and disregard for laws or social norms. This behaviour is often learned and perpetuated within families and social circles, creating a sense of normalized deviance. 2. A subculture driven by the cynical belief that societal systems are rigged against them, leading to a distrust of authority and a justification for prioritizing resource acquisition at the expense of others. This can manifest in acts like shoplifting, welfare fraud, and even violent crime. 3. A significant contributor to societal tension and distrust, particularly between lower-income and higher-income groups. The perception of "takers" exploiting "makers" fuels resentment and fuels social division.
Key characteristics:
- While not exclusive, "take culture" is often concentrated in communities with limited opportunities and resources, creating a cycle of deprivation and justifying harmful behaviour.
- Children raised in environments where "taking" is normalised are more likely to adopt these behaviours, perpetuating the cycle.
- Individuals within "take culture" often view welfare and legal frameworks as exploitative, further legitimising their actions in their own minds.
- Beyond direct acts of "taking," this mentality can erode social cohesion, hamper economic growth, and create a climate of fear and distrust.
"The rise of 'take culture' in the neighbourhood meant shoplifting and petty theft became almost routine, leaving shopkeepers feeling helpless and the community on edge."
"Growing up in a gang-infested area, Miguel saw 'take culture' everywhere: bullying, graffiti, and theft viewed as normal ways to get ahead. Breaking free from that mindset was his biggest challenge."
a 4chan using, neckbeard, homophobic, racist, sexist, incel, basement dweller that spends all of his time on the internet bullying reddit users and browsing Ifunny
Andrew is such a cultured swine
Hyper-Culture: A highly advanced and complex society characterized by the pervasive integration of super-intelligent AI systems and rapid technological progress.
In the rapidly evolving hyper-culture, individuals must continually adapt and upskill to maintain their relevance and competitiveness in a job market increasingly dominated by super-intelligent AI systems.
Have you ever met Lil culture I want to meet him some day.
It’s the shared goals, shared vision, shared thoughts of the Miami Heat NBA Basketball Team. It is discipline, accountability, work ethic, and enjoying somebody else’s success. It is the hardest working, best conditioned, most professional, unselfish, toughest, meanest, nastiest team in the NBA. Everything they do is about winning. It’s not about anything else. So they ride with that. They think about that. It’s something they believe in. It’s for them. It’s not for everybody.
Everybody's given themselves to the team. Whatever the team needs, and there's no ego about anything right now. … That's Heat culture.
Miami ‘Heat Culture’ can be summed up with one quote: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” No matter the odds, you always bring 110% in all aspects of achieving a common goal: WIN AT ALL COSTS.
In short, Heat Culture is like cocaine to the soul of the city of Miami, nonstop chip on your shoulder, always with something to prove, and a motor that never needs fuel, but without the destruction and chaos a few nose darts at 1am on a Tuesday bring.
It’s a feeling of being constantly motivated and driven to succeed, no matter the situation. It’s the expectation of winning and the WILLingness to put it all on the line for your brothers (or sisters if you live in Boston).
The Miami Heat continue to bring in undrafted, unproven players that exceed expectations because they convince guys to buy into this so called ‘Heat Culture’ of always having something to prove..
People wonder what is "Heat Culture"... Heat Culture is discipline, accountability, work ethic and enjoying somebody else’s success. As the #OG, it's my job to set the tone. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready. @GQ @GQsports⚓️💯
HIMmy HIMler really got that Heat Culture in HIM.