In business, the trend toward unloading urgent, important, or priority work on unsuspecting plebians in the dying hours of the working week.
Friday 3.48pm, onset of 'Friday Fever'
Superior:- 'Yo pleb, is that piece of work that supports Monday's presentation finished yet?'
Pleb:- 'What work..., what presentation?'
Superior:- 'Oh, here's a (draft) brief, you'll be right to have that done ASAP right?'
2👍 10👎
Send nudes to ur crush and see if he likes it or her and see if he or she will send one back
Nude pic Friday
A day when employees at concrete plants are allowed to wear bright, ugly and "festive" shirts to work.
Man, don't forget tomorrow is "Festive Shirt Friday!, Jose !
The best snack for the best day of the week. Always needs to be untainted before usage. Plastic wrap works best. Only Friday. Peanut butter expensive.
My boy Craig goes crazy on peanut butter fridays. I feel bad for the peanut butters husband. Craig fucked his brains out.
The point during the work week in which you have lost all motivation to perform you job duties. Productivity decreases significantly after hitting the Friday wall, while the amount of time spend surfing the Internet and generally not doing anything productive increases.
It's only Wednesday and I've already hit the Friday wall.
WTF...what the fuck!
Said nicely.
Someone cuts you off on the freeway, your children are in the car...
"Wednesday, Thursday, Friday does that guy think he's doing?"
means any work needed for school , let it go MISSSING !
It's Fuck School Friday's, I can't do that work !