The domain of a egotistical stuck up future President Mr. Sipe Who destroys all the leftists with facts and logic.
Mr. Sipe lost the election at Northern High School time to riot.
A school where if you don't play football, no one gives a shit about you, but if you do play football people expect impossible things from you.
Me: sir I have a question.
Teacher: Are you on the football team?
Me: No...
Teachers: then you shouldn't be going to Permian High School.
loveland high school is basically 97% white to the point where they had to make a diversity group in the middle school. full of people who try to become tiktok famous by dancing to obsessed by maria carey because it’s “so quirky” especially with their 37 followers. all the wannabe baddies try to juul in class bc they think it’ll make them popular. white ass boys wear nike shorts in the winter, the tiktok girls who’ve been trying to become famous for 7 weeks (but their moms won’t let them make their accounts public) wear crop tops and shorts all year long, there’s the weird furries with greasy hair who hiss at you in the halls, and there’s always that ghetto bitch who argues with the teacher.
“she goes to loveland high school? she’s probably white then, right?”
A school just like every other school over the last 60 years where some students smoke, do drugs, and have sex. It is also like every other current school now where the millennial students moan and complain about everything and lack any sort of toughness.
Ola High School is just like every other current school.
Where tampons are randomly thrown at you in the hallways……False Bomb threats are called in random Tuesdays in the middle of November…….Your peacefully eating your lunch when you turn around to everyone standing on tables encouraging two girls brawling in the middle of the lunch room……Random dance circles braking out…..Selling pizza on finals days at 9am…….Hot as balls during the hot months BECAUSE THEIR TO POOR TO AFORD AIR CONDITIONING…………Being stuck at all the stair cases because people like to just stand there…….When your car gets blocked in because students don’t know how to park during the winter……..Having to pay 3 mother fucking dollars for a new id… THE TEACHERS KNOW WHO DOES AND DOSNT GO TO TREMPER…….Very racist jokes go around………Being not hungry during A lunch at 11 and starving your ass off by D lunch at 1……..Bon bons are sold at every corner………Having a designated tree to smoke at…………When the toilets flood for no reason in the language hallway…..Security guards that were your grandparent’s friends in high school aka OLD AS SHIT………The mayo and ketchup never working up in the lunch line…..Having school end on a Monday… fuck you kusd.
That’s what goes on at Tremper high school in Kenosha. Send your kids here and they will most likely become drug addicts and will want to drop out of school.
Ps. Have a fucking tremperific day
Guy- You go to Tremper High School?
Girl- Yes why?
Guy-Damn that sucks...
Girl-At least its better then Bradford...
79👍 19👎
A prison in Northern Virginia.
We're forced to do slave labor for 7 hours a day at Robinson.
130👍 34👎