A trashy blonde chick from central Jersey with no morals, and will suck u off for a Klondike bar because the cumdumpster she lives behind still has rent.
Jess showed up and now the whole store stinks like fish and the toilet seat has an std.
Jess is an amazing if you let her go your stupid she's Incredible:)
I have a Jess in My life and she's My she wof
A Jess is someone who Has a good side and a bad side. Her good side is that she will always be there for you no matter what and if you have a problem with school, home or friends she will be there ready to talk about it. She is the best friend you will ever have because she has a serious but also a non serious side. If you get her when she is in a fun mood she won’t stop for at least 2 hours after. Don’t give her sugar because she will go crazy.
A Jess is also extremely slow and is the last out the classroom every time. She plays 1-3 sports but out of those three sports one of them she does reps for.
Jess is sometimes a boys girl but only if she feels like it. Boys will come for her but she will only ever have one boy in her head. Eventually a Jess will get married and have at least 2 kids.
Friend 1 - Is that Jess still packing her stuff up 5 minutes after the bell rang?
Friend 2 - yep. She is so slow
Guy 1 - Wow there’s Jess.
Guy 2 - She’s so pretty but we can’t have her because she likes this one guy.
Guy 1 - Dang it
slag, finds everyone’s bf fit, racist,homophobic SKET
jess only finds fat cunts fit or smackheads