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July 26th

Plague doctor day is a day for people to be dressed as a plague doctor for the entire day

Person A: why is he dressed as a plague doctor?
Person B:plague doctor day is on July 26th, thats why

by dictatoristhebest May 5, 2021

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July 16th

People born on July 16th are angels and u should never ever ever hurt them in ur entire life.

Person: hey! What's ur bday?
Person 2: it's July 16th
Person: that explains why u are SO AMAZING

by Let's.just.forget December 17, 2021

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Lil julie

The best rapper to ever exist, besides lil judie of course

Guy 1: "Yo who's the second best rapper of all time?"
Guy 2: "Well lil julie of course"

by The biggest lil julie fan March 6, 2021

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July 15

if someone is born on july 15 you have to give them head it’s a law

wanna suck it?
i was born on july 15
ohhhh okay come here

by babydrivrr November 11, 2020

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July 27

July 27 is the day where all the BAD BITCHES are born. If you're born on this day, you're the baddest bitch and you deserve to be praised on your birthday. In more than one way ;)

Person 1: When's your birthday?
Person 2: July 27th.
Person 1: Oh so you're a BAD BITCH?

by thekinkybitch June 17, 2021

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July 1

A day where u can have a girl eat ur ass

July 1st the girl can be eating u instead of her.

by Bigcharzarddaddyjewflyingbirds October 16, 2019

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July 1

the day where the most sexiest girls alive were born. but if your a guy then it doesn’t really matter .

That peng ting wiv dat fat back over dere musta been born on july 1 styllll!

by leeksarebad November 9, 2019

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