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Knuckle dick

A penis that has "popped" or made a popping sound similar to knuckles popping after being thrusted in too hard, resulting in a bent penis and pain

Dude the other night I was with my girl and went too hard and got a knuckle dick.

by Dr. F the mad scientist October 26, 2015

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knuckled up

To get belligerently drunk, to the point of blacking out and making choices you may regret

Anyone want to go get knuckled up at Applebeeโ€™s with me?

by TroopRespecter8 July 31, 2020

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knuckle chucks

1. Noun. The male ejaculate by way of manual masterbation.
2.Noun. Derogatory name give to person in place of "jerk offs." Commonly used in military environments where swearing or more conventional insults are discouraged.

"Listen here you little knuckle chucks. You best not be messing things up!"

by Makinnak January 14, 2017

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The peanut butter that ends up on your knuckles when your knife/spoon is shorter than the jar.

This tiny plastic knife is no match against that big ass jar of Jiff. Got me covered in the knuckle-butter...

by Grandmaster Dave November 28, 2017

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Internet Knuckles

The process of giving a knuckle-bump over the internet.

Kid watching Youtube video of a kid doing a cool stunt: Dude that's fucking awesome! This kid gets some Internet Knuckles.

by Bubbles_the_Juggles July 18, 2010

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Bloody Knuckle

To fist a girl while she is on her period.

Oh man, my girlfriend was on her period so I gave her a bloody knuckle.

by Ninjawrestler November 12, 2008

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Knuckle Grinding

To insert one's fist into another's vagina and punch with force, grinding your knuckles against their insides.

"I did some mad knuckle grinding on this one chick last night!"

by Salt Licky October 14, 2004

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