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A woman who has no interest or sexual thoughts of the female sex offline, but begins to show lesbian tactics online, such as looking up videos of soft lesbian porn and even masturbating to it.

"Hey, why is this lesbian porn website in your history? Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm an e-lesbian."


by poseidon109 May 18, 2009

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sunset lesbian

feeling attraction to anybody that ISN'T identifying male, this disregards he/him pronouns, as pronouns do not equal gender, examples of this are: women, NB folk, Genderfluid folk, women who use he/him pronouns, and so on

"Oh, Mary is a sunset lesbian, and she's poly so she's dating Frog, A nonbinary person, And Lucy, A bisexual woman."

by EnviousDesires January 20, 2022

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Toxic Lesbianity

Toxic Masculinity for women

Kill all men people are the prime example of toxic lesbianity.

by The Truth β€˜tis Revealed February 16, 2022

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lesbian afghan

When a bull dike (Justin Beiber) hangs all over her partner like an Afghan to establish possession.... this is often seen in emergency rooms and doctors offices when the less beiberish lesbian is ill.

I could not reach the patient to render care, due to her lesbian Afghan hanging all over her.

by One eyed hound dog August 23, 2018

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Lesbian Avengers

A 'Direct Action' gay rights advocacy group, whose activities range from the sane and revolutionary; marches on washington or protest and advocacy marches for the advancement of gay people, to the very INsane: attacking their targets with what would seem like campaign slogans taken too literally and way out of context. One example would be their attempt to boycott the U.S. state of Colorado for passing homophobic laws. One of their subsequent actions for this campaign was to raid the offices of "Self" magazine and let loose a "plague of roaches" (46 boxes of crickets) and storm the secretary desk to make a phone call to the police saying "There are dykes in the building!" after Self had planned an executive meeting to take place in the state of Colorado. They can be compared to the Civil Rights group, the Black Panthers, in the sense of their means to obtain the rights they deserve. They are to GLAAD as PETA is to the ASPCA.

We don't fuck around. We're lesbian avengers!!

by c;afmorel;szngroiaelhjgkv December 24, 2010

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lesbian music

Consist of any Indy artist or lame gropes that no one knows about

My sister is listening to lesbian music

by Burlapp1234 December 17, 2016

Milwaukee Lesbian

A lesbian who, while identifying as a lesbian, has one or more baby daddys. They also tend to go hookup with men after break ups. They refuse to identify as bisexual. Common around the city of Milwaukee, WI

Adam: Did you hear Ally and Lexi broke up?
Jake: Yeah! Lexi decided to be a Milwaukee Lesbian and hookup with Ally's male cousin this weekend!

by Spitefulhomo October 13, 2021