Source Code

Grandmaster Martin

The one and only guardian of "Staden"

Example 1
Nigga 1: "Bro, shall we rob "Staden" in copenhagen"
Nigga 2: "Nigga you crazy, no one wants to make Grandmaster Martin their enemy"

Example 2

Some random black dude: "Im gonna fuck up some shit on "Staden"

Grandmaster Martin: " omao wa mou shindeiru"
Black dude: *Gets banned from life*

by JokerxBatman February 18, 2019

George RR Martin

Demon from Mexican folklore, who prays on naughty children who do not finish their Quesadillas. Known to be especially attracted to the greasy qualities of mexican cooking. Announces presence through incessant tapping of your leg while watching you eat, often annoying you with constant questioning about food you should not and will not give him.

"Oh boy I really George RR Martin this time"

"Finish your food Pablo, or the fat man will finish it for you!"

by Past victim November 24, 2023

Axel Martin

HUge big biggest dick in the world at least 16 inches

Wow what is that. Axel martin

by Hayden miggin November 4, 2020

Martin middle school

Basically an ass school full of ass people. Sure it might be the best curriculum in Raleigh but let’s be honest. No one cares. All the popular girls are assholes and all the “hot boys” are bigots. “Just take a joke” no bitch you just called me a slur. Sure there’s a nice person here and there but I’m gonna have to say that the best ones at this school are the gays and the emos . That one group of lgbtq kids that everyone thinks is weird. They’re literally the nicest and most supporting people at this school. (Not THAT group of gays that are probably furries). My point is everyone there thinks theyre so “ratchet” and “such a baddie”- like girl literally shut up nobody gives a fuck about you.

The only good thing I have to say about this school is that it’s not super racist. There are a lot of straight white republicans though

Ew those act like the kids from Martin middle school”

by ItsSamBitchesss July 25, 2022

Harry J Martin

AKA Harry J Junior

The best YouTuber there is, creator of The Nit Song (the best song there is).

Have you seen Harry J Martin's recent YouTube video? nit nit

by johnnybayfoot July 28, 2021


A German man, typically a boomer who can either be found in the bar chugging on a pint of Pilsner. He either comes from Thuringia or Bavaria. He listens exclusively to schlager or AC/DC; the only non German band according to them. His Humor boils down to either making sexist and objectifing comments towards young women or painfully butchering typical English phrases.

My Dad has gone to the bar again and will likely not return until tomorrow afternoon, he’s such a Martin

by NotoriousVodkaDrinker69 February 14, 2020


A spanish ecuadorian green eyed dick who smells like a grandpa and can't speak english. he's a ben ten because all his hoes are ten. he will date you for a couple hours and then tell you about his ex tifanny. he is sped af but he can make you laugh

Random Kid 1: "He is so gay what tf"
Emily: "Oh yeah thats just Martin my soulmate"

by arab69420 January 6, 2020