Ava morgan is a two faced bitch who gets upset when you expose her
Person 1: ava morgan is a bitch
Person 2: I agree
an ugly ass whos good at softball and barely has friends. she loves racing but doesnt know anything abt it.
“Is that morgan gardner”
“yeah how could u tell”
“shes walking by herself, what a loser”
A big Fish in a tiny pond. will drink all of the soda and eat your small children
Morgan Kogut is a really nice person when she wants to be she can often be mean or rude to other people but she is one of the most caring people you will ever meet she loves to be out side and is very energetic. she has a best friend named savanah renee santamour and morgan’s snapchat is @kogutm6 and savanahs is @savanahsantamou
(person)hey is your name morgan kogut?
(me) yes, why?
(person) because your beautiful
she is usually super thicc and loves to be cuddled with she’s not the type to make the first move but once u do she will play along, she usually loves cheer and has blue/green eyes everyone loves a madeline
omg that madeline morgan is so cute
Sometimes annoying but that's bc they love the attention. They will be the best comfort you could ever have. But they can't learn how to mind theirs