(RJGFM) A 5-step process for young marijuana enthusiasts
Step 1: “Rip” to take a rip of the devil’s lettuce.
Step 2: “Juice” as in listening to the artist; Juice WRLD.
Step 3: “Geek” find a near by friend, neighbor, stranger, animal, or video to laugh or “geek” at/with.
Step 4: “Fade” venture/travel in order to relocate to a new more desirable destination with a group of peers (often to a food joint as a precursor to step 5)
Step 5 : “Munch” a synonym for food or as a verb; the act of indulging ones high by eating food”
“Hey you guys tryna Rip-juice-geek-fade-munch tonight??”
“I’m in the mood for Waffle House, let’s RJGFM”
General Term (from French Canadian Perspective) for Lesbian
I saw Jenny and Sarah kissing in da back room. You know dry doing da Munch pussers ting.
The definition of "Micro Munching" is when a person or persons goes through their or someone else's kitchen and eats very small portions of several different food items.
His friend was mad because he was Micro Munching his way through everything in the kitchen.
The definition of "Micro Munching" is when a person or persons goes through their or someone else's kitchen and eats very small portions of several different food items.
His friend was mad because he was Micro Munching his way through everything in the kitchen.
Ebk Munch is 100% that nigga. A real nigga. Nobody can get on Ebks level. Ebk munch is just that good. Ebk Munch is top shooter. A menace to society.
Random hooker: hey is that ebk munch walking down da street?!
Random hooker #2: OMG!! ITS EBK MUNCH!!!!
The directors had a munch counsel this morning.
Let's get together for a munch counsel tonight.
a person that munches on dildo's or a term for a faggot ass loser bitch.
Rob: steven is such a fuckin dildo munch.
John: Werd he be munchin that dildo all day long.