When you die in Roblox, you OOF!
Person 1: *plays murder mystery 2 on roblox, then the murderer Oof!’s him
Person 1: * player says “Oof!”
A short groan emitted by a human or, your avatar when u die in roblox.
An expression that is used in a negative way. A similar word is oofer, which is a term used as an insult.
"Oof, I stubbed my toe!" or, for the word 'oofer' "Oh my god! You are such an oofer!"
when you trip and fall or get caught off gaurd you say this. (kami kuhar?¿?)
Person 1: boo
Person 2 : ooffff
the sound of when your parents metal pole hits your skin with force.
"mom stop, I'm sorry" " your about to die" OOF
The lost Roblox sound because they got sued, but it was sound when you died or something bad happens
Person 1: hey dude...
Person 2: what's wrong
Person 1: jenny rejected me yesterday...
Person 2: oof
when someone falls down and groans
*someone trips*
person one: oh are you okay?
person two:*groan*
person one: oof