An unbelievably horrendous smell emanating from the orifice of the mouth. Could very well kill a small elephant.
Shit man, I can't make love with you, you have some fatal ass breath!
Laughing at a meme online, that isn’t really funny.
Bro that reddit meme made me breathe nose air.
If you say something under your breath, you say it in a very quiet voice, often because you do not want other people to hear what you are saying.
I muttered something under my breath
Immediately following Ejaculation during oral sex, a man covers the woman’s mouth and punches her in the stomach and the nose, causing ejaculate and blood to be expelled through the nasal passage. Blood, ejaculate, plus a pissed off lady = a real scary fire breathing dragon. Only to be attempted by the most bravest of knights.
“Hey Sean, why are you in a full body cast?”
“Oh that. Last night me and my girl did the fire breathing dragon. I was not worthy.”
When you’re blowing up in someone’s face and then give them a chance to talk.
*Person 2 tenses up*
*little pause*
Person 1: Nah, I’m gon let that bitch breathe.
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When you do this, you inhale oxygen, but you can't breathe, causing self-suffocation of the lungs.
According to known scientist, and major risk taker, Spencer Chapman, who risked his life making this marvelous discovery, for man kind to study....
"Oh shit, i inhaled while breathing"
Inhaling while breathing- The practice of self suffocation
What you call someone that looks like a bird. Usually has a peak shaped nose, a nasal voice and no neck.
Friend: I don't know what to be for Halloween.
Me: You should be a Parakeet, you have the nose for it.
Friend: Let's not forget your sausage nose...
Me: Fuck you Bird Seed Breathe.
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