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snot rocket

when snot is expelled from the nose by closing one nostril with your thumb and blowing hard. hence creating a rocket of snot shooting from your nose.

you blew a wicked snot rocket dude

by thandai August 3, 2009

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a rocket that has been shot at an upward angle into another persons anus and becomes stuck.

When John was working at NASA they were testing miniature rockets and he was standing over one when it went off, after spending hours in the emergency room it was apparent that he had received a butt-rocket.

by cartman1080 January 12, 2012

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rice rocket

My belovรฉd (late) 1978 Kawasaki KZ400.

When my Texan friend saw me and my bike coming, he'd cry out, "Rice Rocket!"

by Sean Brian Kirby June 12, 2003

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rice rocket

Derogatory term towards any Japanese-made vehicle.

by Anonymous July 13, 2003

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gerbil rocket

The act of Gerbiling,and,then,trying to get the gerbil back out with a naked flame,to find that your ''natural gases'' are flammable.

''Oh shit,that Hamster Just Got Gerbil Rocketed''

by zigger December 6, 2007

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Rocket Power

I remember this show. It was a failed attempt by 40 year olds who live with their mothers to try and emulate cool. That cartoon was impossibly stupid, every character was annoying, the cool catchphrases were stupid (what the fuck is a shooby?), and I really wanted to murder that annoying twister kid, what a fucking retard.

Rocket Power sucked

by Mr. Zimpy December 29, 2010

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Rocket Bottom

A derogatory term for a male, similar to split bottom term used for a female.

I'd love to get my hands on that rocket bottom!

by Beada December 6, 2009

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