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It’s the taste you can see

A flavor you can see

It’s the taste you can see : Guy Fieri hair looks like heaven and taste like heaven

by Guy Cosby April 6, 2020

2👍 3👎

go see a man about a horse

A polite way of saying that you need to take a dump

"Be right back...I gotta go see a man about a horse"

by Cheese Steak Killer October 13, 2007

24👍 33👎

See-You-Next-Tuesday Syndrome

A disease that makes a person act sassy, entitled, bratty, rotten, and impolite; or, in other words, acting like a sassy cunt. This is common for bratty teenage girls who have terrible attitude problems, and over-controlling and domineering housewives. A great treatment for See-You-Next-Tuesday Syndrome is putting a foot up the sufferer's ass.

"My wife used to be a sweetheart when we married, but now she must have See-You-Next-Tuesday Syndrome because she acts like she owns me like a dog on a leash. What a cunt!"

by My Dog Has Hitler's Brain December 21, 2020

To see ugly / Å se stygt

When you look at someone with the meanest look you can pull out of your ass.

Sigurd: *waves to Henrik*
Henrik: *Seeing Ugly at you*
Sigurd: "nei vel da, han bare ser stygt"
Sanin: "det er bare Henrik greia, da. Han gjør det bare hele tiden.

To see ugly / Å se stygt

by Siggen Piggen November 4, 2021

I see long term with you

I want to be your man.

I want you and I see long term with you.

by SugarLips13 February 27, 2017

I can see everything in the room

I can see everything in the room it means i also even see myself, if you look for me you will find yourself but if you don’t I will find you

There are two objects in the Room. I can see everything in the room even myself even myself, if you look for me you will find yourself but if “you don’t see me but I can see you, I can see everything “


by Stayout March 12, 2019

See abuse? Don’t Grab the Noose

This means if you spot an animal being neglected not to call the police or animal control and to call a local rescue instead. This is because police and animal control are known to not do anything about cases they don’t see as serious.

“That persons hit their dog, we should call animal control.”
“No, we should call a rescue instead. Remember, see abuse? Don’t grab the noose.”

by Thecommonblackbird August 23, 2020