Edward Cullen the 107 year old virgin who sneeks into girls rooms at night to watch them sleep and could probaly being curing cancer but insaid goes to High School over and over agian. He calls himself a vampire although he lives in a forest and doesnt eat people and he sparkles so hes is most likley a faerie.
Bitch dont need no Example to know Edward Cullen is a Faerie.
A pasty dude who stalked a girl for the whole first movie, then scarred her for life by telling her that he’s a vampire and that he watches her sleep.
Hey that one dude from Washington state looks a bit like Edward Cullen with his pasty skin
= a stalker
In the Twilight series Edward Cullen is somehow stalking Bella Swan.
Don't be such an Edward Cullen and leave me alone!!
Can you please go, you're not Edward Cullen!
If you want to impress me, you can't stalk me like that, you're not Edward Cullen!
The cutest fucking vampire ever
Twilight (Edward Cullen)
An Edward Cullen is a super hot, kind, Loving, Badass guy.
Hey that guy over there is SUPER hot!
Yeah he’s a total Edward Cullen!!
1👍 1👎
He sparkles.Thinks sleeping is fascinating.Is a vampire
Edward Cullen is creepy