Riley is an awesome person. While the name is for both genders, commonly a male. Riley is the type of guy to obsess over a girl. He’ll care for you, but if you break his heart, he won’t let you forget. He is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. So don’t take advantage of him because likely someone will be standing up for him. He’s very convincing and good at video game. Don’t break his heart, and you’ll be good.
Omg is that Riley?!
Yes it is!
Gosh he’s so nice!
Ikr!!!!! I’d sleep with him.
Girl: The fakest bitch you'll ever meet. She'll act one way toward you and a completely different way the next minute. She usually is pretty intelligent but will act stupid to get guys attention. She is super conceited but denies it at all cost. Even while denying she'll sound conceited. She also acts drunk after one drink and say that she is wasted after one white claw. She acts innocent but if someone offers she'll take an drug given to her.
Boy: A literal crack head who is homosexual on the down low.
"Did you hear what Riley was saying"
"yeah she won't stop talking about her summer glow up"
"yeah it's hella annoying"
The most amazing girl u will ever meet! At first shy but once u get to know her she's wild and cute af.She knows how to get to u and cares about her friends and family.(Riley) is amazing beautiful and hard working.She is athletic and smart.
Love u (Riley)💘!!!
Caden: See that Riley girl over there?
Drake:Ya she's cute af.
Riley... Riley is a boy with rich parents and does not care that everyone knows. He will flaunt his money by buying supreme slides and backpacks. He is very smart by arrogant about it.
“Hey, is that Riley?”
“Ugh? Yeah, showing off his new SUPREME shirt.”
the best most amazing person ever <3
have you seen Riley today??
yeah! They’re amazing!!
Riley is a cute girl. She’s always happy.. and she is rude at first but once you get to know her she’s the sweetest.
Girl- *dirtylook*
Guy- Hey!
Dad- don’t worry she’s just a Riley