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Tiger Woods nigger

1) An individual similar to Tiger Woods who has an attitude that he is somehow better than everyone else, gives off the false impression that he is a squeaky clean family man when in actuality he sleeps around with multiple women on the side and behaves like a street whore, and looks like a cross between a baboon & a chink-with a very scary yellow tint to his skin.

2) An ugly uppity motherfucking chigger (chink-nigger) who only marries or sleeps with white women so he can attempt to ameliorate his racial identity, aka: try to be white.

Hey you Tiger Woods nigger, get a real identity & stop sleeping with my white women!

by Todd Powell January 5, 2010

165๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tiger Morning Wood

Waking up with morning wood, from dreaming about Tiger Woods multiple affairs with nasty bitches. (no homo)

"Yo' homie I ain't gay or nothin but all this media hype around Tiger fuckin all these nasty skanks has me waking up with Tiger Morning Wood."

by barneygrumble December 16, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Medicine Hat Tigers

Medicine Hat's CHL (Canadian hockey league) team, won the WHL title 2 years ago, they are a very good team

Person 1:Did you see the tigers game last night?
Person 2: Hell yeah homie! whooped thurr ass

by GTA Mike July 30, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

saber-tooth tiger

A woman hitting on younger men whose age puts her far beyond the "cougar" category

I knew Mike had a thing for cougars but when I saw a 55 year-old lady talking to him, I realized he had transitioned to saber-tooth tigers.

by The Eta July 2, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Raining Wolves and Tigers

An intense form of rain. Similar to the phrase "raining cats and dogs." Typically the rain is coming down in torrents before it is changed from cats and dogs, to wolves and tigers.

Joe: Whoa! it's raining cats and dogs out there man!!

Adam: Nah, I'd say more like Raining Wolves and Tigers, i can barely see the street from the sidewalk!

by cmckenn108 July 14, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The worst team in the city of Surprise Softball.

The LSU TIGERS sucked really bad because no one wanted to play or be at the game. It really sucked for the people that WANTED to be there.

by Night Panda May 30, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tiger Bay Brawlers

The Tiger Bay Brawlers are Cardiff's very own Roller Derby Team!!

Those Tiger Bay Brawlers are AWESOME!!!

by willy wonka, wonka willy September 25, 2010