A phat dicked teacher. He limps when he walks because his veiny dick is bulging all the time. He teaches ELA 3 and fucks mad bitches. He loves to collect watches because he loves to stunt on these niggas. It is said when students look into his beautiful hazel eyes you lose yourself for a moment, you yearn for his gentle touch- yet you want him to spaz on your butt-pussy at the same time. Needless to say, bro gets the bag and hella bitches effortlessly. Many admire his grace upon students and his famous creation of Clark Crane, the first-ever robotic student.
Dude I wanna Tim Michael Brown to fuck my mom so I can call him daddy.
another word to describe a "very very good" leauge of legendes player who is solo carrying a team while playing some off meta shit like: support Gnar or full ad Ahri marksman. and they are often flaming in the chat with common quotes like
> np for carrying scrubs hehe xd
> fuck u we got a Tim Den Elzen. so just open mid scrubs
To express to others your own state of hardship. i.e. lack of money, job, place to live etc. Sometimes a ploy to garner sympathy. Also used to redirect mooches to another person.
derived from the character tiny Tim in "a christmas carol"
person 1 - "hey man, wanna grab a drink?"
person 2 - "oh i can't, i'm broke, my dog died, my back hurts,,...."
person 1 - "stop tiny tim-ing me!"
lame fuck of a fuck stinky ass pedo sheepdog obsessed with sad teenage potatos. his guitar playing makes you want to reach into your soul and pull out whatever the screeching bible bitch didn't destroy.
reverend tim toms hang around the poor parts of indiana
Tim is only known for two things:-
- being shane's brother
- liking 150 girls
Look at that guy hanging out with shane and liked 150 girl isnt that tim( shanes brother )
A Tim Burton movie starring Johnny Depp in love with a blonde, and also starring Helena Bonham Carter that loves the Johnny Depp character, and it has something to do with death.
I hate Tim Burton Cliches.
Team that compted in MATF Hakaton, but was destined to fail due to MATF's inability to organize a damn competition. They finished in 35th place.
My shoe size is bigger then the sum of the entire Tim Error 731 IQ points!
10👍 13👎