If you are banned for a week but upset you are “permanently banned for a week”
P1: I hate McDonalds
P2: They kicked us out for yelling
P1: We are permanently banned for a week
P2: I’m so mad right now
the week after club nationals: NO RUNNING, FRISBEE, LATE NIGHT (upperclassmen swiped in), nasty behavior is rewarded ;)
Nasty week points will be added up by club president and posted each day. Who will be the nastiest??
Clubbers: nasty week is upon us, rack up some points!
“All time”
“LaCie stop being a bitch all days of week”
this means all the time
“LaCie he’s pissing me of all days of week”
1. The week in which bleeding interrupts your sexual activities. Or so you're pretending, anyways.
2. The week in which women can pull their own special racial card for everything, including bitching, moaning, and bad driving
3. The week in which you don't need to give a fuck about any female as you will not gain anything from it.
1: "so i was gonna fuck ma bitch last night, but bleed week just started, so we had to try backdoor blizzard instead.
2. e.g. 9/11? she was on her period. nuff said.
3. her:"hey honey, will you-"
you: "no."
one's encounter with a celebrity
boy a): what did you get for your birthday?
boy b): Lol. I got my week with Marilyn from my parents. I met Larry King from Larry King Live when he came to speak as a guest on a local tv show and I was in the audience. wow. Now, I think I'll go to journalism after graduation.
one's encounter with a celebrity
N.B.: The Marilyn referred to in the definition is Marilyn Monroe. The phrase itself, 'my week with Marilyn' is also the title of a post-Harry Potter Emma Watson movie in which a character played by Emma Watson either goes (or wants to or needs to go back- I forget which one) in time to spend a week with Marilyn Monroe.
boy a): what did you get for your birthday?
boy b): Lol. I got my week with Marilyn from my parents. I met Larry King from Larry King Live when he came to speak as a guest on a local tv show and I was in the audience. wow.
N.B.: The Marilyn referred to in the definition is Marilyn Monroe. The phrase itself, 'my week with Marilyn' is also the title of a post-Harry Potter Emma Watson movie in which a character played by Emma Watson either goes (or wants to or needs to go back- I forget which one) in time to spend a week with Marilyn Monroe.
one's encounter with a celebrity
boy a): what did you get for your birthday?
boy b): Lol. I got my week with Marilyn from my parents. I met Larry King from Larry King Live when he came to speak as a guest on a local tv show and I was in the audience.
boy a) wow