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Studying on YouTube

The excuse you give your parents when they ask you to study while you are relaxing.

Mom: Go fucking study for the test tomorrow!
Me: Don’t worry I’m studying on YouTube
Mom: I’m so proud of my baby

by Robo - Hunter July 4, 2019

Bad Youtuber


Textbook definition of a bad youtuber LULW

by Handle:) May 7, 2020

Minecraft Youtuber

A youtuber that plays Minecraft that is a child predator

No son don't trust the Minecraft Youtubers

by @thatguyonlyyouknowabout July 6, 2023

7👍 1👎

YouTube moves

Gameplay by someone who has seemingly poured hours of their life into watching walkthrough videos and hints on YouTube. Frequently used to describe someone who knows how to take advantage of glitches and pull off combinations while eating Doritos.

Tom: Ha I killed you in 10 seconds
Henry: Man, you've got YouTube moves.

by Hendo24 March 24, 2014

youtube kake

German word for ytp (see also: youtube poop)

A: What does YouTube Poop mean in German
B: (German) Youtube Kake

by Sheeshsquatch69 June 15, 2020

Youtuber jester

A youtuber who acts like 3am is scary and terrifies children and goes to McDonald's for videos but really only because he is hungry probably and a greedy person. He even pretends to make voodoo dolls and watch movies and acts like they are real, we should be able to tell that he just gets a friend to dress up.

Friend:The youtuber jester is so fake
Me:I know right

by ThisLesGirl May 6, 2021

YouTube Morphing

When you unintentionally start quoting/ acting like your favorite YouTuber because they are all you watch ever so they're non stop in your mind 24/7.

Person 1- "Urgh I'm so short!"
Person 2- "Get legs, boi"
Person 1- "Dude, you're Youtube morphing into Jenna Marbles"

by Smoked Silver August 30, 2016