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Pool noodle

Snake in disguise

Man: did you see that pool noodle
Other man: fuck off it bit me
Man: pool noodles are harmless relax
Other man: “dead”
Man: mate?

by boomer inc. August 14, 2021

Pool noodle

A pool noodle is a white man who likes hanging around Asian girls by the swimming pool

Omg!Look at Declan over there living life! He invited his Asian fashion class students over for a pool party and bbq. He only dates a certain type of girl now! What a pool noodle!

by Bowslosski December 27, 2023

Pool noodle

A pool noodle is a white guy that likes being around Asian women around a pool

Look at Sean over there. He’s having a backyard summer pool party with his uni students from his Asian fashion class he teaches. He’s so happy. What a pool noodle!

by Bowslosski December 16, 2023

pool crawl

A Pool Crawl works like a pub crawl. The events are put together by hosts and tickets grant you access to different pools and bars with no covers, great drink specials, possibly a free drink at each venue, drinking games, private party hosts and guided walking tour between venues, or sometime shuttle service. This is usually a ticket or wristband purchase event.

Hey lets check out this hip new pool crawl in Marbella! I hear the party at the last venue is epic!

by poolcrawldefiner November 1, 2019

Pool Pig

A game of traditional basketball-style pig played in a pool

Ed had “P-I-G” in pool pig before Josh and Adam got a “P”.

by ForWhoForWhat August 31, 2021

Community pool

A community pool is a place where it is public to the whole town and you can pay a yearly membership to go.

We are going to the community pool for the Fourth of July

by That0neWeirdKid August 17, 2019

Poole Town vs Plymouth Parkway

known now as the crap pitch derby, these teams have the worst pitches in the southern league and they should be kicked from the league itself. parkway are on the tongue of relegation but poole are in the mid table area.

poole town vs plymouth parkway is a crap pitch derby

by big fat tubby March 3, 2024