Corieen G is used as a nickname for a grumpy soul, much like the karens of the world
Holy crap quit being a corieen G
A totally ghetto punk who likes techno and shutter shades
xdagman is definatly a G-Wizzle (
a gangster black person. a normal black person would b called a negro. Its a mix between G and Negro.
"Dat g-gro Qwan be trippin breh"
Kirsten S. is addicted to the drug GHB (aka G, Juice) and when she is using it and gets "juiced" she becomes an even easier slut to fuck than normal. She will do anything for "G" lie, cheat, steal, suck, fuck ..anything. she is a G-whore.
Will be a whore for more "G". Anyone around her while she is juiced can fuck her easily.
Kirsten S. is addicted to the drug GHB (aka G, Juice) and when she is using it and gets "juiced" she becomes an even easier slut to fuck than normal. She will do anything for "G" lie, cheat, steal, suck, fuck ..anything. she is a G-whore.
When you need to talk but have garlic bread in your mouth. So you aren't talking clearly. Also when you can't stop eating garlic bread and talking at the same time.
"Hey Bill, remember when we would get all messed up and talk G-Bresh for hours. Who's gonna be lawyer boy?"
Ernie G is the biggest G in the entire world. He has a very sexy appearance and is also known as the 'sex master'. Usually he dates girls with a bad head game tho, so he has to do all the work. Due to his superhuman sex skills people believe he might even be able to use his dick like a helicopter. When you ask him about his girls he always tryna play it cool and answers with a wink. To gain energy for his sexual practices, he is eating all the time when you see him.
Tony: 'Damn, you see this G over there?'
Mart: 'Hell yeah, I think thats Ernie G!'
Ernie G: *winks*
BJ: 'Wow, I wish I was as cool as Ernie G.'