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Turkey Hair

When you spike your hair up in a flat circle, resembling a turkey's tail.

Look at that kid's turkey hair!

by BreezeFreezeLover December 21, 2008

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Honeymoon hair

The way your hair looks for the day or two after it gets cut (Ie. Exactly like the magazine picture you based it on.) before it goes back to being as uncontrollable as ever.

Girl 1: Your hair looks GREAT!
Girl 2: Thanks! Honeymoon hair!

Guy 1: Dude, what happened to your hair?!
Guy 2: The honeymoon's over...

by why-in-the-heck May 21, 2007

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auburn hair

dark red hair or brownish-red hair color

Some say Lily Potter has auburn hair.

by nemofire March 13, 2017

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Hole Hair

The shit-covered hairs directly surrounding a dirty, tight asshole. Some people enjoy licking these hairs while eating ass.

The cock brushed passed the hole hair before entering the shit-filled anus.

by AsherBigCock March 11, 2017

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Hair Sex

A female takes all her hair and smothers you in it, draping it across your face, chest, arms, legs, and most commonly dick. This is done by girls with long, silky hair.

My girlfriend gave me hair sex all night! It was so soft and silky, she draped it over my whole body jerking me off with it until I cummed. It felt so good! I hope we do it again tonight!

by TheCookieFoox February 26, 2017

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hair in a braid

Enjoying the festivities with the maximum enthusiasm. Being the life of the party.

He was there with his hair in a braid.

by beebeebatz May 12, 2011

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Hairs Cut

When you go to a barber or salon and get more than one hair cut.

"Billy, you gonna get your hair cut"?
"No, I'm going to get my hairs cut! Why would I only cut one hair?"

by Jam740 July 1, 2017

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