A group of nonsensical human beings known for their ability to curse all new members with the onslaught of memes and managing to turn a birthday channel into an NSFW
I joined the WooHoo Army, and now i am cursed for life
It’s like dad bod but with more knee pain
Dude, ever since getting out of the military, I hate running because of my Army bod. Everything just hurts.
A person who, somehow, gets paid 3x your salary to recruit graduating high school students for military activities that contribute nothing of society.
Jeff had a month left in school before the army recruiter showed up at his door, offering to pay his college tuition in favor of his service.
A group of people obsessed with turtles on a Minecraft server. They've gone through troubles and hardships but they've gotten through it. They've gotten hacked and destroyed, but they're still here
The Turtle Army is having a pizza zoom.
Carried by muff diver cornish fuckbots a small collection of toys of different shapes, sizes And colour used to aid in the pleasure of the frustrated
The cornish fuckbots could not help tim alone, the army dildos were deployed to de-frustrate the man
The newest court martial for seniors guaranteed aides
You do not want to be Fucked by a seven nation Army like Douglas will be 1000000 times in his washing machine
Often referring to the tip of a man's penis. Also called a mushroom head.
He had a big German army hat on him.