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daisy chain

A daisy chain is a group of gay men walking single file holding the erect penis of the man behind them, whilst the leader feverishly masturbates, when he finishes he returns to the end of the line and the next guy up does the same until the all get off, it is a chain because it never ends. Also known as the elephant walk.

Hey look at all those homos doing a daisy chain....

by Jhooter January 23, 2017

Daisy chain

Is when a group of 3 or more (can be endless) people are completing a sexual act on each other. Where all the parties are connected giving or receiving in a sexual act. They can be performing oral, hands/footjob, fingering, anal, titty fucking or genitalia sex all at the same time. P(Kissing can be added if it's more than three people or more) All parties are given and receiving a sexual at the same time in a chained

They started a daisy chain in the porno movie

by MrCraigos July 15, 2022

thotty chain

a choker necklace

" Did you see her thotty chain?"

'' Yeah it was super cute!"

by hahalmaoof2017 January 3, 2017

Paper Chain

A chain somebody claims is real (Made of gold, silver, ETC.) But is made out of a cheap metal instead.

Did you see Steve wearing that paper chain?

by Repocalypze September 29, 2018

video chaining

The act of watching one video after another from each newly created list of suggested videos.

I was video chaining for three hours on YouTube last night.

by borkul April 26, 2016

Alice In Chains

Gods of Grunge

Alice In Chains is the best of their genre

by Rotten Turkey October 27, 2022

whimsical chain

A cock with a kink in it, causing it to look malformed.

That dude has a whimsical chain ever since his girl bit him.

by GiraffeMan February 17, 2014