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you got nothin’ coming!

Often repeated mantra of custody officers in response to requests from incarcerated folks.

Go back to your inmate hole, β€˜cause you got nothin’ coming!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 8, 2019

the chickens are coming home to roost

An expression that means that a person is about to pay for their mistakes or bad deeds, similar to "what goes around comes around".

The chickens are coming home to roost, Bobby Boucher. You'll reap the fruit of your selfish ways. You're gonna lose all your fancy foosball games, and you're gonna fail your big exam, because school is THE DEVIL!

by Nick D April 4, 2004

118πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

You Come Here Often?

A phrase you say to a girl when your about to close to make sure you get the job done and prove you are smooth as ice.

Man: You Come here Often?
Girl: *Amazed and Stunned by the amount of smoothness and swagger exemplified*

by NickySalami November 29, 2021

33πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Til The Cows Come Home

An indefinite amount of time; usually meant to convey forever, or eternity.

I'll love you til the cows come home

by Maneron January 20, 2011

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

what comes after 69


Teacher-What Comes after 69
Student- Moutwash
Teacher- get the fuck out of my class

by SLICE_KillSTRM September 15, 2017

25πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the whiskers they come from within

A saying any Phangirl or Phanboy would know. It comes from when two YouTubers, Danisnotonfire (aka Daniel Howell), and AmazingPhil (aka Phil Lester) made a collab Q/A where they draw cat whiskers on their faces with black marker. This series, only happening once a year, is named Philisnotonfire, as a mix of their internet names at the time. This phrase was coined up by them or some fans. "The whiskers, they come from within" is even on a few items of merch that they sell.

Girl while watching a Philisnotonfire video: Oh my God the whiskers they come from within! (She feels the whiskers in herself)

by Nikithebleachcannon July 4, 2017

until the cows come home

A long time, usually defining how late
someone might stay up at night or out at bars, nightclubs, discos etc.

The origin of the phrase goes back to
a time when people were familiar with the time cows came home
(in the very early morning... 4 - 5 a.m.) because they wanted to be milked.

Person 1: We are going to go out to night!

Person 2: Really? how long?

Person 1: We are staying out until the cows come home!

by G. Canis March 23, 2004

126πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž