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Megamind complex

Thats good

Jim carry cable guy megamind complex

by Ogmichaelman@gmaill.com April 19, 2024


You are minding your own business and this guy hates his job as bored to tears.

You been here over an hour and did II tell you , "I am doing this because I have MARKSMAN DICK COMPLEX as my superior has a much bigger DICK as I snuck a peak at the urinals before they erected the urinal walls but you must exit the property immediately and dumb ass bus rider " as I have a bus pass";, " I don't care".


Mod Complex

when grown men get offended after moderators or admins call them out

This user has a mod complex and is throwing a fit because he is a man child

by DerelictJones November 27, 2023

Joel Birch Complex

A two year cycle of 'accidentally' overdosing despite definitively claiming to the world you've made it out of bad habits for good.

Itsuki: I thought Onigiri said he was clean and recovered for good? How did he end up in hospital for the seventh time this decade?
Agito: Fuck! That's his Joel Birch Complex on full display!

by heeeyyjohnny December 19, 2023

Aunty Complex

Is a type of complex usually exhibited by women who were responsible for taking care of other people’s children especially their nieces/nephews at a younger age. They tend to want 100% control over every area of their life - (family, relationship, work etc) based on their unnaturally acquired mother instincts. Most evident example can be in a sexual relationship, they define and dictate the rules of sex and are most likely to stand on emotional based decisions while obviously denying facts.

That Lady seems to have an Aunty complex.

by Shuppyshups June 24, 2022


The effect of Military-Industrial-Political Complex INSANITY, relying heavily upon Disease, Misery &*WRONG* to keep the World flowing around the MONEY!MONEY!MONEY! using 'Treatment' rather than Cure.

Opioids and Big PHarma* are classic expression of the Misery-Industrial-Complex in fucktion*.

by PartisanZ July 26, 2022

Bob Vila complex

Someone who thinks he or she can fix anything or anybody... sonetimes arrogantly or ones own peril

Some doctors have God complex. House had rubinex cube complex and I have a Bob Vila complex

by faking work July 27, 2020